Education and appetite for knowledge is constantly growing, and Open Campus allows for disrupting and decentralising the education industry, turning education into a "gaming platform" via creating, owning and promoting content that they want to see. Whilst I am not enthusiastic about the disruption of education due to the strong governmental control, I believe it is still necessary if we were to look at providing basic knowledge and access to people that may not have the financial means to further their studies.
I have actually benefitted a lot through the gamification of education especially when I was initially learning Python, I believe that the project could be transformed to work hand-in-hand with schools/educators rather than disrupting them completely. It would be essentially be David vs Goliath, with Goliath winning 99.9% of the time.
They do, however, have strong backing from investors such as Sequoia, Polygon and Kingsway.
I really like the concept, but in order for the project to gain traction and to bring on notable lecturers and for users to take it seriously, the project has a lot of legwork to do on possibly providing educators an alternate means of income. Show Less