A Quantum Proof Layer 1 Blockchain with an easy onramp and major developer incentives.

Blockchain is not quantum-proof. Quantum processing is scary and could literally kill the entire blockchain space overnight. The mathematical calculations in proof-of-work blockchains could be done in nanoseconds. The private keys to your wallet could be figured out in the blink of an eye. This is not just a crypto issue; the algorithms that we use to secure web transactions, emails, and bank transactions can also be easily cracked.

QANplatform (QANX) is one of the first companies to try and solve this by creating a quantum-proof L1 blockchain.

QANplatform is a hybrid blockchain where certain transactions are processed on a private blockchain, while others are processed on a public blockchain. This allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and enhanced security and privacy.

The main quantum resistance comes from the Proof-of-Randomness (PoR) consensus algorithm developed by QANplatform. It is decentralized, fast, environmentally friendly, and has a footprint small enough that "mining" can be done on a mobile device or Raspberry Pi.

QANplatform is addressing how to make an L1 blockchain quantum-resistant, but how will they attract developers to build applications on QANplatform's QVM (QAN Virtual Machine)?

  • Multi-language Smart Contracts, or what QANplatform calls "Hyperpolyglot." Blockchain technology has a high entry barrier that fundamentally limits mass adoption because developers are forced to learn a new language, which can only be used for that specific blockchain like Solidity (Ethereum) or Teal (Algorand). On the QVM, developers can build smart contracts in different languages like Rust, TypeScript, C, C++, Go, Python, etc. QANplatform's QVM lets developers run any kind of application that can run in a Linux Kernel.

  • Developer Royalty Fees (DRF). This is a smart way to attract developers, as they get rewarded after each transaction and smart contract deployment. QANplatform rewards developers when others reuse their code, which is done in a decentralized and democratic way to earn QANX and boost QANplatform's mass adoption.

Overall, QANplatform offers a viable solution as a quantum-resistant L1 blockchain. Then mix in the Multi-language Smart Contracts and Developer Royalty Fees, and I think the masses will be coming soon. Show Less

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