Reading the deck, it says that Spacegoat Studios' goal is to focus on creating high-quality works of art. However, I took a look at the gameplay demo of Thieves Gallery gameplay and the visuals were not the high-quality A-grade graphics or art that I expected. To be frank, it reminds me of the early games that came out when games were first coming out on PC or first gaming consoles. It doesn't look like a step forward to make blockchain games fun, exciting, or have high-quality art.

Their mission statement is "to deliver exceptional gaming experiences that inspire and entertain our audience in the rapidly evolving world of gaming." But having watched some of the gameplay via QR code, the game doesn't seem that exciting or fun to play.

The fact that the studio praises their game Thieves Gallery as containing all the qualities of user experience, gameplay, fun, and collection elements above games like Gods Unchained, Illuvium, and Splinterlands seems far-stretched; there have been no proven tests of the game nor have there been reviews of it. It just seems to make wide assumptions on how successful their games will be with no proven track record or feedback from real gamers. Show Less

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