SUI has an effective marketing approach

  • First, why they don't offer airdrop for free users? Let's have comparison between SUI and a similar project APT. APT seems like the pioneer, the time they executed marketing activities was before Oct 2022 when we were drowned in a bear market and the whole industry had low activities (see fig). SUI was in a different situation in which the market was warmer plus it inherit the attention of this market which APT put much effort to build (by offering free airdrop). SUI implemented a retroactive approach. This strategy allowed them to capitalize on the attention the market was already giving to similar projects that launched earlier.

  • Additionally, SUI's marketing team has proven highly competent. In my previous team analysis, the entity that is in charge of marketing activities is SUI Foundation. They are a group of crypto enthusiasts who used to hold key positions in Google, Uber, Bybit, Near, and Coinbase. Look at their performance, SUI's Discord has 744k members compared to APT's 153k, and SUI's Twitter has 588k followers versus APT's 59k followers. Yet both projects received similar funding, indicating SUI's marketing team has effectively utilized their budget.

In conclusion, SUI C-levels primarily come from Meta, a company known for massive marketing success. This background, combined with a young and enthusiastic marketing team, positions SUI well to execute a strong marketing strategy. The growth in their various social media channels demonstrates their marketing effectiveness. Overall, SUI's approach deserves 5 stars from me for capitalizing on opportunities in the current market environment. Show Less

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