I've created YouTube channels and Facebook pages with over 8 million subscribers. So i know that a way for creators to get funded and to get better support is dearly needed - that's why I like the idea. My team and I actually created a kickstarter for a similar platform some years ago.

But a lot needs to improve before I can give more than 2 stars.

The website and deck both read more like a book than a website or deck. Most investors will not have the time to read through all that just to figure out if they're interested or not. What I recommend is to first write a whitepaper, where you can be as detailed as you like. Then create a deck, highlighting only the most important information. A deck should give the reader enough information to understand if they're interested in your project in a couple minutes. If they are interested they can then spend the time to read your whitepaper. The website should also have a lot less information. In General the website should be targeted at the end user, not investors, so investors get an idea if it looks like something people will want to use.

What's needed for a better rating: 3 stars: An improved deck 4 stars: An MVP 5 stars: Traction

Of course, a project can also reach 5 stars with an amazing deck and whitepaper that details a very unique product, strategy and the team to make it happen. But it's rather rare. Show Less

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