So overall the marketing is not great at all. But thy have a good explainer series found in the "about" page. They list a few things in that series like tokenization and a DEX, but instead of smart contracts, they achieve those with built in ledger features that work differently than a smart contract. They also have some unique features like corporate wallets, that allow multiple people to access the wallet and swap out people that may leave or enter.

Overall it feels like they're trying to do everything that the other chains do, but with their own internal ledger approach, although they do also seem to be developing smart contracts and NFTs now. Overall I just feel like other chains have much more potential than XRP. It feels like they have their own consensus mechanism since 10 years and now they're just trying play catch up by fitting in all the other chain's innovations into their solution.

What I don't like is that other than their video series, their marketing is pretty bad. It's very hard to understand what makes them special or how anything works. The whitepaper is very technical and confusing, the main page doesn't highlight any impressive numbers. So it's very hard to get excited about XRP. CoinBuro said they're aiming to gain adoption amongst institutions, so if they would highlight some big institutions that are using them, then that would be something. But I couldn't find anything.

Here are some other things that bug me:

  • It has less than 1000 nodes despite being a top 10 coin that's been going for over 10 years. That's nothing compared to Ethereum's 400k.
  • They have 35 nodes in the active validator set, but 6 are operated by the company, which is quite a bit of centralization.
  • No transaction history chart. Should be a must for a chain this big.
  • Bad website copy. The first title says "community powered utility", which means absolutely nothing.
  • they show "smart contracts, NFTs and sidechains" as "in-development", which makes it feel like they're just trying to catch up with the other big chains.
  • they only show about 9 projects that have built on them and no historical usage charts.

Here are some things that might be interesting:

  • After watching a bit of their video series, it feels like the special thing about their consensus mechanism is that validators become more trusted over time and therefore apps and users will connect more often to trusted validators. It's like picking a highly rated UBER driver. That's kind of smart, but definitely also leads to centralization.
  • Their DEX allows people to post sell and buying prices. so it's more like a traditional order book rather than a swap. Show Less
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