Alchemy, Tenderly, and Ledger join over 125 infra providers supporting Zetachain as the first universal blockchain


  • Over 125 infra partners across the ecosystem stack now support ZetaChain’s Universal EVM.
  • ZetaChain is one of only 18 blockchains that Alchemy supports to date, with other clients ranging from household names such as Stripe and Instagram to major crypto apps Uniswap and Opensea.
  • The integration with leading hardware wallet Ledger will make ZetaChain directly accessible to Ledger’s 6M user base.

This progress update is extremely bullish for ZetaChain and is substantiated with multiple supporting arguments across the board. The new infrastructure partnerships position ZetaChain as a premium L1 for developers focused on building dApps that work across any blockchain.

“ZetaChain’s mission is to serve as a platform for universal access, simplicity, and utility across any blockchain.” This week, ZetaChain announced major brands like Alchemy, Tenderly, and Ledger have officially pledged support for ZetaChain.

Zetachain’s Omnichain Smart Contracts on the Universal EVM are purpose-built for general chain abstraction across the entire crypto ecosystem. This will also include a proposed Universal Proof-of-Stake capability which will enable native staking and rewards on both EVM and non-EVM chains.

ZetaChain provides extensive out-of-the-box tooling for building Universal Apps, and are excited to welcome these new leading brands and many more into its ecosystem of over 125 infra providers.

Today, developers can build Universal Apps on ZetaChain using Alchemy Supernode and Alchemy Subgraphs. Later this year, ZeatChain will release general availability for NFT API support, which will open up big opportunities such as OpenSea support and integration. Learn more about the Alchemy-ZetaChain partnership here:

Widely recognized as the leading hardware wallet, Ledger is gearing up to enable support for ZetaChain as shown in an upcoming end of July release:

The Universal EVM allows for the abstraction of chains, assets, and data for an easier and simpler crypto user experience. Apps on the Universal EVM (Universal Apps) can both natively access and be accessed from any connected chain without requiring users to switch networks.

Here is a shortlist of some other new providers that now support ZetaChain:

Keplr Wallet: Leading multi-chain wallet with 1M users, sets the foundation for Cosmos IBC joining ZetaChain’s ecosystem of universal connectivity. Leap Wallet: 200,000 active users Pyth: Adds ZetaChain as one of 56 blockchains supported for pricing feeds. Particle Network: 17M users globally with full-stack account abstraction infrastructure and social logins. Moralis: leading web3 developer tools including RPC nodes. Biconomy: supporting account abstraction for projects like Curve SubQuery: leading data indexing and RPC provider BlastAPI: ZetaChain is one of 26 L1s now available with Blast API support. All That Node: partnered with high-profile projects like DSRV and Osmosis, handles over 600M API requests per month. Blockscout: Open-source block explorer and analytics platform recently released a native token swap tool powered by ZetaChain. ZetaScan: native block explorer and comprehensive tool for users to track their omnichain transactions.

ZetaScan shows over 138M transactions to date after the launch of ZetaChain 6 months ago.

About Zetachain “ZetaChain is the first universal L1 blockchain. It serves as the base-layer of the decentralized internet, providing a platform for global access, simplicity, and utility across any blockchain. Universal Apps on ZetaChain are future-proof and have full compatibility with both existing and new chain integrations.”

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