One aspect of Ziliqa’s project which I admire is its own use of individual technology that is not just a complete copy and paste job with a new logo put on to it as many other blockchain projects actually are. The developers of Ziliqa have actually come up with individualistic tech that is just for Ziliqa’s own blockchain use, as well as improving on other bits of their technology as the industry has progressed over time.

The first unique part of its tech to dive into is of course its sharding, especially as it was one of the first project’s to implement this successfully. So for those that don’t know sharding is a blockchain scaling technique that basically involves breaking up larger blockchain bits and turning them into smaller, more manageable bits called ‘shards’. Each shard is a self-contained part of the network that can store and process its own subset of data and transactions.. This increases the blockchains ability to process transactions and improve on its scalability.

The next technical bit to look into is the security side of how Ziliqa maintains its blockchain. It originally did this through a consensus algorithm called Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), which is known for its high level of security and resistance to attacks and combined that with Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm. By combining the two it made Ziliqa more energy efficient than other PoW-based blockchains. However due to prominent rise and development in Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithms Ziliqa transitioned over to a pure PoS system called Ziliqa Improvement Proposal (ZIP) 14. The project did this for several reasons such as energy efficiency, improved security and to help with the network’s scalability.

Saving their most innovative tech until last in my opinion. Ziliqa actually uses its own unique smart contract language called Scilla. Scilla is a functional programming language that aims to prevent common vulnerabilities in smart contracts such as re-entrancy attacks and integer overflows. It does this by providing static analysis tools that can detect potential errors and vulnerabilities in smart contracts before they are deployed on the Ziliqa blockchain. I am a big fan of innovation so I love the fact the developers came up with a completely new language to code with on Ziliqa's blockchain giving the project its own technical characteristics and individualness. I now look forward to seeing what technology of their own Ziliqa can up with for the Web 3.0 space in the future to rival their many competitors. Show Less

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