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Previously, I was a founding team member of a project that provided SaaS video streaming services and was backed by Sequoia. Show More

FIL has two main competitors: Storj and SiaCoin. I give Filecoin a 5-star rating because while Storj may offer competitive pricing and Sia has a pay-as-you-go model, Filecoin surpasses its competitors in terms of available storage, security, and scalability. Show More


This is just a short review to comment on some stuff I noticed while researching Filecoin for creating a potential infographic. Show More

I get excited about decentralised file storage, not because it's a sexy topic, but because it's a necessary one. Show More

File storage is an interesting blockchain use case, even if it is less glamorous than the world of DeFi. Show More

There are so many stories about hacks and leaks that make me think about the security of storage delivered by Google Clouds, Apple Clouds, or other cloud-centralized solutions not to mention security challenges and running into Filecoin gives me hope and confidence why we have to adopt and use it more often and more aggressively. Show More


Filecoin's token, FIL, is a utility token for payments with the following:

  • Payments currency for facilitating storage and retrieving data a) Show More

Filecoin was created with the aim to decentralise the Internet and primarily acts as a storage service, providing data retrieval and computation power for users; currently a large bulk being institutions and developers such as OpenSea, Starling Labs and Internet Archive. Show More


Decentralized data storage has developed into a major blockchain sub-sector and is forever growing. Show More


The Filecoin virtual machine (FVM) is a runtime environment that enables the execution of smart contracts or actors on the Filecoin network. Show More


Taking a look into the developer of Filecoin as well as the developer of the technology they are using (IPFS), Protocol Labs has a large team of 334 employees across the world according to their LinkedIn. Show More


A decentralized peer-to-peer network for data storage, nice! Let's dive in.

The idea behind Filecoin is to take data away from services like Google and Amazon Cloud and regain ownership of this data by providing a peer-to-peer network of storage facilities across the globe. Show More

Filecoin network is powered by $FIL, which serves as the underlying token for all transactions within the network. Show More


Filecoin is built on top of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a peer-to-peer protocol designed for storing and sharing files in a decentralized manner. Show More

When it comes to a very good decentralized storage system, there is one platform that comes to my mind which is FILECOIN! Show More


I will not repeat too much about the community, but I like the hackathons they compete in. Show More


What I find inspiring about the team is that they are constantly pushing the boundaries of distributed systems, cryptography, and blockchain technology. Show More


Once upon a time, in the world of storage, there was a special project called Filecoin. It had a magical system that helped people store and share their digital treasures, just like a giant treasure chest. Show More


Storage? Always handy. My old USB hard drive (non-SSD) is not that reliable anymore anyway. Show More


At the moment, FIL is on fire despite the massive rewards being released daily (1.8 million daily). Show More

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