I had a good look at this project, including its (patchy) whitepaper, website (with links that go nowhere despite a TG announcement that the website was updated and live) and it's Twitter feed repeating the same things about being recognised by Binance (which isn't technically true- Binance just picked up on an algorithm of projects that had a bit of activity and ALTN happened to have increased on chain activity).

I also followed a number of the Twitter 'supporters' and came across the same (paid?) shillers with very low follower numbers retweeting everything (https://twitter.com/0xPrinz; https://twitter.com/MyNameElonMask). There are some 'bigger' names talking about the project but I am not aware of who they are.

I don't fully understand the concept of the project either. It's marketed as a blockchain that anyone can build dapps on. Question is, would I want to use a dapp built by just anyone? I guess only if I want to have my wallet drained. Show Less

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