Initially, even after thoroughly browsing the website, I had little understanding of BLiV's intended offerings. While the deck provided some clarification, my doubts persisted after interacting with the CEO.

Firstly, the camera scan feature appears more like a gimmick than a valuable addition to the earning model. Nowadays, move-to-earn apps offer numerous extras such as video watching or participating in various tasks. After all, with movements and healthy food, you stimulate a better living more effectively isn't it? Live-to-earn seems to be BLiV's attempt to differentiate themselves by providing these extras.

So, it remains unclear to me who their target audience is, how they plan to retain users on the app, and the specifics of their earning model and budget sources. I imagine it requires lots of budget for marketing to get a big user database to start earning something back from it. Without knowledge of how much users can earn per hour using the app, and their earn model, I will rely on my intuition and maintain my current rating. Show Less

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