I'd like to commend BLiV for introducing the concept of "Live to Earn." I am all for a project that emphasizes and encourages a healthier lifestyle, fostering awareness + self care among individuals.

The implementation of Transdermal Optical Imaging as a facial scanning feature within the app is an intriguing technological advancement that piques my curiosity. I look forward to trying it out firsthand and witness its effectiveness.

Dual token economies are always a worry to me in terms of maintenance + management but I'm pleased to see that BLiV has developed a well-defined revenue model with realistic streams to ensure the project's financial sustainability.

One thing I would like to be made clearer is the gamification part of this app. BLiV talk about 'participating in activities, games, or platforms integrated with blockchain technology'. It would be great to hear more specific details to enhance the project's allure and further engage users like myself.

In summary, I like BLiV's concept + approach but more indepth insight on the gamification element would greatly enhance the overall understanding and appeal of the project for me. Show Less

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