Small update on the progress Brickken has made.

Partnerships Every week, Brickken sents out messages about new tokenizations, and I believe there is now a backlog. The team is currently achieving one tokenization per week, and although the backlog may be growing, they are actively working on increasing the number of tokenizations possible each week to decrease the backlog..

Token & CMC In summary, the token price is influenced by several factors: investors purchasing tokens, the team engaging in buybacks (which I believe they support in that manner), tokenizations injecting $5000 into $BKN, and in the long term, 3% (success fee) of the capital raised, either at the time of hardcap reached, or if the issuers close the round early after softcap is reached, goes to the $BKN token.

The token price appears to have stabilized at $0.23, and more importantly, the information has now been validated and verified on CoinMarketCap (CMC). I understand that this is crucial for many investors, and I must say, the project's statistics are quite impressive, considering the duration of the project.

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