Camelot is a community-driven DEX built on the Arbitrum ecosystem, with custom built liquidity infrastructure to support builders, as well as generate real yield via their dual token mechanism that makes use of ve(3,3) mechanics
Camelot was based on a dual AMM that is able to support both volatile and stable swaps, as well as provide dynamic directional fees for trading pairs and allows different fees to be set for each pool.
The native token, $GRAIL, serves as a token that allows yield rewards via staking. By staking $GRAIL, users get $xGRAIL, which is an escrowed token and is non-transferrable, allowing users to earn extra incentives such as dividends from protocol fees, yield boosting, and so much more.
Having used CamelotDEX back when it just launched, I found myself going back to it a lot during the days, as there is minimal slippage and delays during swaps, and the transactions are near instantaneous. Having a limited supply of $GRAIL with burning makes the token even coveted Show Less