Camelot's launch has been impressive, with the token gaining availability on top exchanges and experiencing a remarkable price increase of over 600% in just 3.5 months. The allocation of public sale proceeds towards liquidity, dividends, and funding for Core Contributors shows a thoughtful and balanced approach. Overall, the GRAIL allocation plan is comprehensive, covering token distribution, partnerships, and long-term support, setting the stage for a thriving Camelot ecosystem.

However, I do have some doubts. The partnership allocation lacks clarity on selection criteria and potential conflicts of interest. The exact emissions rate and ratio earned during liquidity mining may not be fully transparent at first. The gradual release of rewards over 6 months through the Genesis Nitro Pools may impact early participants' enthusiasm. Nonetheless, the inclusion of initial launch partners' tokens strengthens collaboration and exposure within the ecosystem.

In summary, Camelot's GRAIL allocation is promising, but some aspects need clarification and potential adjustments. Despite that, it has the potential to foster a vibrant community and contribute to the platform's growth.

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