I am unsure if the tokenomics have been updated as I am unable to find any information on their website, but managed to find a link for their whitepaper back in 2020 when they were still running a PoW system.


5 billion tokens minted on genesis, with the following breakdown:

  • 12% to Private Investors (@ $0.10/token), vested over 2 years (currently fully unlocked)
  • 6% to Foundation Holdings, vested over 2 years (currently fully unlocked)
  • 36% to Genesis Team, vested over 4 years (until 2024)
  • 8% to Community Fund (Marketing/Airdrops), vested over 4 years (until 2024)
  • 40% to Ecosystem Fund, vested over 4 years (until 2024)

Looking at the token allocation, I am shocked at the 36% allocated to the Genesis Team without any reason for the large allocation, just that they are 'awarded to the founding team'. I would assume that the allocation is based on wages, but as there are no written directives, it is not clear how the funds will be allocated and the rationale.

The Investor token unlock rules are also surprisingly specific (page 13) on average price of token and amount available for unlocks. I do not believe that should be the case for token unlocks for investors as it is extremely price dependent and specific - and has high cause for pumping and dumping just to fulfil the criteria for unlocks.

I also managed to find their explorer (https://confluxscan.io/) that shows the amount of tokens staked for PoS chain, total supply and circulating supply PoW chain, but I would wish there was an overview of total supply of Conflux tokens circulating. From the PoW chart, there seems to be currently 5.4billion tokens available, and only about 5% of these tokens are staked. There are a

Due to the abnormally high allocation towards the genesis team without any explanation, and the removal/lack of information regarding their updated tokenomics and documentation, I would only be giving it 2 stars as the earliest documentation I could find was their whitepaper based in 2020. However, if anyone is able to find more latest information about their tokenomics or emissions schedule, I would be happy to take a look and review the information. Show Less

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