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I came across Conflux, which is a hybrid permissionless blockchain combining proof of work (PoW) and proof of stake (PoS) mechanisms. Show More

Conflux is led by a group of computer science scholars from the University of Toronto and China’s Tsinghua University which includes Turing Award Winner Dr. Show More

Conflux is emerging as a captivating blockchain project which boasts an innovative technical architecture that places a strong emphasis on scalability, security and flexibility in smart contracts and it has a flourishing ecosystem of over 100 projects. Show More

Conflux, which entered my radar in March due to its impressive growth of near 10 times in February and securing a spot among the top 100 tokens by market cap. Show More

#On-Chain Activity

I decided to focus on on-chain metrics, because it is important for blockchain technology as no matter how cool the technology is, if no one uses it, then there's no point in it. Show More


I am unsure if the tokenomics have been updated as I am unable to find any information on their website, but managed to find a link for their whitepaper back in 2020 when they were still running a PoW system. Show More

I came across this blockchain last week and discovered another user has already beat me to it in making a review on it haha but nevertheless i will drop mine. Show More

Conflux is a blockchain platform that embraces innovation and pushes the boundaries of what is possible. Show More

Conflux is a permissionless, public blockchain network that combines proof-of-work and proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms. Show More


If I had a chance to review the project back in early 2023 with the China narrative ongoing, I would have said that I would be open to investing in this project, although not with a percentage of my portfolio allocated to Conflux. Show More

I heard about Conflux back in March due to the 'China Narrative', as it was touted as the Ethereum of China., but better. Show More

Conflux (CFX) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2020 which means that by now it should have gained enough traction to allow us to have some hope that the world is bigger than the painfully expensive and slow chains around our necks (BitCoin and Ethereum). Show More


Conflux is an ambitious blockchain project that aims to tackle the scalability trilemma—balancing scalability, security, and decentralization faced by many existing blockchain networks. Show More

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