I am a big supporter of education and information being available for all. I also think blockchain technology is an excellent way to allow this to happen and to offer a fair monetisation policy for creators.

There have been a few attempts in the Wed3 space recently to make this happen and Edu3labs looks to be the latest entrant into this space. At first glance, the problem they are attempting to solve looks good - to allow creators of educational content to sell their courses/books by turning them into an NFE which can be bought and sold by others on an in-house secondary marketplace with a fair commission going back to the original creator.

However, I have a few issues/questions about the platform, hence my 2 stars.

  1. The marketplace looks amateurish with different graphics and courses in various languages. Perhaps courses/resources could be grouped into different categories with subcategories based on language.
  2. How are the teachers of these courses vetted? One course on Space costs around $112 and is taught by a man called Daniel who describes himself as "stainless azaman doctor teeching." What does that mean?
  3. Tokenomics are bad with 15% going to the founders alone Show Less
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