I get excited about decentralised file storage, not because it's a sexy topic, but because it's a necessary one. If Web3 is going to grow and thrive and be sustainable, it is imperative that we have ample space in which to store data. Want to build a decentralised Netflix, free from corporate control? You'd need a lot of space for that. Want to make sure your private data is secure? Cryptographic proofs guarantee your data remains available and unchanged over time.

This is where projects like Filecoin come in. One feature I particularly love, especially given my background in academia, is that the Filecoin network is sponsoring data backup and distribution for archivists, scientists, and other cloud and dataset experts. This means that crucial information like scientific research data, historical archives and creative commons media can be stored securely, outside of the centralised control, and can therefore be readily available for current and future generations. 5 stars from me. Show Less

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