The team's diversity and experience are the strong points in Hashflow. Having members with backgrounds in the web2 and web3 technology, as well as expertise in aerospace, finance, and law, is great for a project operating at the intersection of these fields. The alumni from major tech companies and financial institutions show that the team has access to valuable networks and insights that can aid in Hashflow's development and growth.

Varun's and Victor's experience in large-scale infrastructure projects show strong commitment to Hashflow. Vinod's career in consulting and finance provide valuable insights into the financial side of the project. Rahsan's legal experience in the relevant areas can help Hashflow navigate complex regulatory challenges.

Overall, the team's collective expertise and varied backgrounds provide a strong foundation for Hashflow, which will help the project to create decentralized finance. As guessed, the ultimate success of the project will also depend on its technology, strategy, and execution. All-in-all enough reason for me to give them 4 stars. Show Less

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