
Hummingbot is a open source platform that provide users a automated trading bots to customized cross chain and cross exchange strategies. I see it as a good start up for traders who are interested in starting up a trading algo as their trading tools. Hummingbot do provide a short intensive course of only 6 weeks to guide user to build their own custom algo trading stategy through their bootcamp programme. There are also sample scripts contributed by Botcamp students and a kick start templets. Hummingbot also have a very detail user interface guide that I found out its very useful for those users that new to coding and provide a good templet to learn on that. https://docs.hummingbot.org/operation/user-interface/#windows. I found is very interesting trying it out but it really need some time to familiarize with it especially for those without the basics of coding. I would recommend Hummingbot to those who interested to give a try on setting up trading algo strategy. Show Less

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