

Kaspa is another project that is attempting to bring DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) technology into mainstream usability.

I feel that this tech has tremendous promise. The major rate-limiting step of traditional blockchains is that all blocks must be produced in order. DAGs are able to asynchronously approve blocks, which makes the ledger potentially very scalable.

Kaspa is even more appealing because they had a fair launch and is open source.

Now the downsides...

Out of the handful of projects that are running DAG ledgers, I haven't seen any of them provide any evidence that the technology works as well as they say it should.

Next, Kaspa seems resigned to the fact that ASIC mining is inevitable: https://kaspa.org/kaspa-and-the-asic/

If ASIC mining does enter the picture, that will lead to centralization. This goes against one of the biggest potential benefits of DAG technology, the ability for any device to secure the ledger. In comparison, IOTA doesn't have any mining, which actually might make more sense.

On the trading side, I think that this coin currently has a lot of upside. So 3 stars for that.

But I'm not big on this project until the tech can be proven. Show Less

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