The concept of using $NMR stakes to create an incentives structure tied to the weight of strategies in a portfolio is indeed innovative and exciting, particularly for professionals in the investment field. However, there are significant concerns regarding strategy performances within the Numerai ecosystem.

The flagship Numerai One fund experienced a substantial drawdown of 54% to 18% cumulative return from March to September, which is typically deemed unacceptable, especially for a fund aiming to maintain market neutrality. Additionally, the annualized return of 5%+ may not be compelling enough to attract large investors, particularly considering the minimum investment requirement of $5 million.

Moreover, the Sharpe ratio of 0.5 and Sortino ratio of 0.73 are suboptimal, indicating that the risks taken by the strategy are not adequately compensated by the returns. These metrics are crucial in the hedge fund and quant world, and they suggest that the strategies on the Numerai network may not be performing up to the industry standards.

While the project is intriguing, its ability to achieve significant size remains questionable, particularly given the performance issues of the strategies contributed to the network. Investors, especially those with financial proficiency in institutional setups, may be hesitant to allocate capital to a platform with underperforming strategies and subpar risk-return metrics. Show Less

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