Men, ever found yourself wishing for a partner who does not nag you constantly over the little things? Or girls, a partner who wont leave the toilet seat lid up? Well now with Sleepless AI you can have the perfect partner – that is if you don’t mind your partner being a virtual one... This Web3+AI companion gaming platform is here to offer you a relationship without the real-life headaches.

With Sleepless AI, you can converse, change digital outfits, and even virtually feed your pixelated sweetheart. Something like a super advanced version of The Sims & Tamagotchi by the sounds of things!

I believe Sleepless AI is trying to provide an approach to offer escapism from frustrating relationships, and to also help those not in a relationship with loneliness.

Backed by Binance Labs & Foresight Ventures, and having raised $3.7m from private token sales, the team who thought of this idea has clearly seen something I, myself would never envision. It looks like they are trying to craft a future where AI companionship is normal.

While some may squirm at the thought of AI becoming the new norm, Sleepless AI is confidently seeing a future world where digital interests with AI companions, AI models, and even AI porn will all be part of everyday life. It's a trend that definitely raises a few eyebrows, but I can see Sleepless AI becoming a pioneer in this trend, and that is likely why its had the backing of some big money behind it already. Show Less

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