If you though the numbers of Venom were impressive recently, check the numbers below, as of last year. The overall statistics are insane (image 1). I will sum it up down here. Starknet is not just some project, it will be a giant.


  • $5.4M TVL on mainnet
  • 3rd largest smart contract language by TVL (behind Solidity and Vyper)
  • 2M+ transactions processed on mainnet (14M+ on Goerli)
  • Over 650k wallet downloads across Argent X and Braavos
  • 570K+ contracts deployed on mainnet (1.4M+ contracts on Goerli)
  • 3300+ ETH locked on mainnet bridge (90+ ETH on Goerli)


  • 0.19 Daily TPS
  • 0.00017 ETH average fee per transaction
  • 2 minute estimated transaction time
  • Offering up to 60 million transactions in a block


  • 100+ dApps building on StarkNet,
  • 15 dApps currently live on mainnet

Starkware has also StarkEx, a Layer-2 scalability engine, live on Ethereum Mainnet. Their numbers are as amazing too (image 2).

Conclusion I am very impressed by the numbers. I was already impressed when reviewing Venom, and Starknet is surpassing that level. 5 stars!

Revised: As the mainnet became congested, there are signs of excessive usage, such as delayed and prolonged transactions. I attribute this issue to the alpha stage and the project's growing popularity. However, I remain optimistic that these problems will be resolved in due course.

The significant popularity of the project is evident in the images shared by @Blockbuster in their micro review. Although I cannot give a full 5-star rating due to the transaction delays, it is understandable considering the project is still in its alpha stage. Show Less

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