On the website, I immediately felt the Skyrim vibe. Moving into the game, my intuition was spot-on. This story-based action RPG has a dark atmosphere, which personally appeals to me. The customizable features and engaging storyline continue to be popular, attracting a wide range of gamers, but it's not unique.

The decision to bridge the gap between crypto and gaming is an interesting choice, and I hope to see The Unfettered expand to consoles in the future. The integration of NFTs and a play-to-earn system aligns with the proven effectiveness of micro-transactions as a revenue model. This complements the game's free-to-play nature.

I discovered that The Unfettered utilizes the Unreal 4 engine, explaining the noticeable disparity in quality. Their whitepaper mentions plans to upgrade to Unreal 5 in the future. This is an enthusiastic statement, but it's important to acknowledge the challenges that reality presents in implementing such an upgrade. Show Less

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