This doesn't smell right.

For starters, one of their "selling points" is that they give users "real yield." What does that even mean? So the other platforms are paying out fake yield? There's no explanation of what that is.

Their Twitter feed is really weird too. They really play up Paul Tudor Jones for some reason. As far as I can tell, he has nothing to do with the project.

Finally, you cannot do High Frequency Trading (HFT) without your own dedicated servers and high speed data connections directly into exchanges. HFT does not exist in the retail trading world and for sure cannot be done with on-chain Ethereum token trades. It's simply not possible, the blockchain is way too slow.

So this looks like another case of a project throwing up buzzwords on their website and not actually having an idea of what they are talking about. I could be wrong, but this looks like one to avoid. Show Less

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