
Decentralized trading platform


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Overall, $GNS token design is one of the best in the current state of the market. I bet on such types of token economy in terms of sustainability and win-win for different participants(at least theoretically) Show More


There is one thing about this project that seems confusing. What's the reason for the team to stay anonymous, even after the current success of a project? Show More


NO Sign Up Required + 150X Leverage!

This is my favorite FIVE Star decentralized trading platform and one of the GEMs in my portfolio! Show More


Gains Network is a decentralized derivatives trading platform built on the Polygon network, with the capability to expand to other blockchain networks. Show More

I'm a big fan of these trading platforms that allow you to trade with high leverage and no KYC. Show More

gtrade is the first product developed by Gains Network, which is a decentralized synthetic leveraged trading platform built on Polygon/Arbitrum. Show More


Lots of room for improvement...

I give Gains community 3 stars.

There is certainly room for improvement in the Gains community. Show More


Great DEX for traders, allow shorting with leverage some big bad crypto projects which I love doing. Show More


Pretty clear 5 stars for me. The only downside is maybe that they don't have a video.

Positive: Show More


This looks solid. First, there will be a total supply of 100M tokens, so this could get more valuable over time, assuming that the project survives. Show More


Taking a look at the $GNS price feels like trying to jump on a running train!

(Updated: Feb 21, 2023)

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Gains Network looks really exciting. They're new and their website is easy to understand and to the point. Show More

Decentralized trading platform with the highest leverage and pair offering. No sign up required. Show More

  • Telegram is super active with very genuine discussions.
  • Twitter is pretty dead, but one very nice post about not being VC funded stood out to me. Show More

I have been DCA'ing into GNS on the recent dip and I believe potential upside to $5 - $7 is coming on the next rally. Show More


GNS is coming close to major support at around $3.

I like this project overall and this could be a good time to get into the token. Show More

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