A once so promising project remains working "on the ground". I did some digging why it's not reacting to the market, and it's mainly due to that the Polkadot community is expressing concern over the heavy spending by the project's decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Show More

Please pump my bags so I can get out of DOT at break even!

The sentiment around DOT's technical analysis is predicting a rally "coming soon"..."DOT is about to explode in Q4". Show More

Polkadot getting dragged into the mud. Mismanagement of budgets happens everywhere, but let's go over a recent post on Twitter about the marketing spending of Polkadot. Show More

Polkadot has an amazing developer community and in q3 last year it surpassed 15k developer contributions per month on their Github, that's the highest recorded on any network ever, including Ethereum. Show More

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