
RNS ID is a digital identity platform developed by RNS (Residency Network System). It is the world's first blockchain-native digital residency... More


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RNS is the world’s first digital Web3 identity platform developed to support the application and issuance of sovereignty-backed IDs. Show More

RNS ID is the world's pioneering Web3 legal identity platform and is revolutionizing the concept of legal identification as we know it. Show More

Welcome to Palau, but don't bother in being digitally present! That is a very interesting project with real use cases that might give refugees and traders a light in the dark. Show More

RNS ID is onto something big! As the world’s first blockchain-native digital residency platform, it’s setting the stage for what I believe is the future of technology and is absolutely needed in this ever evolving digital world. Show More

This is just another purely profit-driven project. First, if Vitalik is involved, you know it's shady. Show More

RNS ID stands out as a pioneering Web3 legal identity platform, spearheading the concept of legal identification on the blockchain with the Palau government for the Palau Digital Residency Program, a Web3 Legal Identity Protocol. Show More

Don't trust, verify. The Progress of RNS ID looks good for either users and issuers. Is RNS really from Palau Government ? Show More


The following statement (also attached) is probably one of the most pitching that caught me where i stopped doing whatever i was and started digging into exploring the platform

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Not much happened in RNS since October, the YT channel hasn't had new videos besides the Tutorials. Show More

RNS is pioneering a new form of digital identity backed by state sovereignty. Created in partnership with the government of Palau, RNS offers blockchain-based IDs called Palau Digital Residency. Show More

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