In the (retail) investors' eyes, this project is a risky choice. 

15 million dollars vanished because of the FTX crash. That was the amount stocked by Atlas there. Image 1 shows what the effect was on that. The chart is near dead compared to what it once was. A very sad story, of course. This means that their development money just vanished. They tried to make a few ships sell in November 2022 at some Dutch auction here, but that made no sense in the midst of a bear market.. I remember the price was around 1 million and the price could only go up.

A few months back they raised around 2 million dollars in 2 months (they claim), which gives hope. They outsource all dev jobs, so unless they are paid up front around the crash, they are still ongoing.. but for what period?

They need to bring a lot of content in order to get new buyers as there was said they need around 1 million a month to stay on track. Personally, I think they had better do some crowdfunding. I guess this shows why you first have a game and then the token. I give it 2 stars as there is still hope..

P.s. I noticed on the website (on my phone) the barely readable text. Weird choice of font color lol. Show Less

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