Archway – Capture The Value You Create!

I know what we are all thinking… “Do we need another L1 project?”

Let me use a little analogy...

L1s are like highways through the middle of nowhere. The only way these highways will see any traffic or usage is if there are gas stations, food stores, malls, etc. Basically, there needs to be “something of value” on these roads, which is another analogy for dApps.

So, every L1 needs to attract developers to build these dApps on these L1 highways, which in turn attracts users.

So, how do you attract developers?

Well, in my opinion, one great way to do this is to “incentivize” them, and that is exactly what Archway plans to do.

Developers write a smart contract, and when others use their code, they get a premium. Even better, let’s say Cyrator where to launch on this blockchain and develop some smart contracts for staking and other token-related tasks. Archway would reward Cyrator with half of the gas fees generated by our smart contracts! Show Less

2024 Cyrator - Crypto Research Community

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