I looked at how the tokens for this project will be distributed, and I have some worries. I like that they explained everything, but I think the vesting schedule for the Private Round takes too long. It seems like they want to keep control of a lot of tokens for a long time.

Also, the Marketing/Listing plan worries me. They'll get 25% of the tokens right away, and then the percentage will go down over the next year. This might give the marketing team a reason to sell the tokens right away to get the most money.

I understand that they need to have enough tokens for Liquidity and Adoption Incentives, but it seems like they're giving away too many tokens - 32% is a lot! The schedule for releasing those tokens is okay, but the first 10% might make people sell right away.

On the positive side, the Team, Advisors, and Development plans look okay. The Public Sale doesn't have many tokens, but maybe that's on purpose.

Overall, it's good that they're being open about the token distribution, but I'm not sure about the vesting schedules for the Private Round and Marketing/Listing categories, and I think there might be too many tokens for Liquidity and Adoption Incentives. Show Less

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