I think Brickken is trying to solve an important problem and it has some unique aspects, but it also has a lot of competition.

From what I understand,

  • Brickken allows you to sell compliant security tokens to investors after passing their KYB.
  • You can also create tokens on the platform, but you can only sell them to investors after you've made them compliant, which you have to do on your own.
  • You can hire legal experts from their directory to help you with that (this is the part I find most unique and which is why I'm giving 4 instead of 3 stars. There are many platforms that allow you to create tokens, but I haven't heard of one that connects you to lawyers that can help you make those tokens compliant. If it was me, I would put a lot more emphasis on this point.)

In terms of competition, I know a few project that are attempting to solve this problem in different ways. For example, I've worked with Coinweb who are creating a cross-chain tokenization platform called LinkMint, that will allow you to create compliant tokens on their platform. LinkMint does this by being compliant in a growing list of jurisdictions themselves and tokens created on top of their platform can piggyback off their legal setup. I've also worked with Hilman Ventures who are creating their own syndicated VC platform, which allows you to list compliant security tokens and offer it to their investors (so it's similar to Brickken without the token creation part (which there are tons of providers) and without the connecting you to lawyers who can help you with compliance. That's why the connections to lawyers makes Brickken stand out to me compared to competitors who only help you create tokens, or sell them. Show Less

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