I'm being generous with 3 stars, as it almost falls into the 2 stars category for me. The problem with the current website is that it makes it seem like you can easily create and sell security tokens on the platform, which you cannot. You can either create your own security token and list it on the platform after passing vigorous KYB, or create a token on the platform and then hire legal experts from the platform to help you make the token compliant. In any case, it will not be easy as being compliant is difficult and expensive in most jurisdictions around the world.

The sad thing is that I think their marketing team is clearly capable, they're just focusing on selling the token way to much instead of selling the product. This makes people like me highly skeptical.

I'll happily revise my review if the team makes some changes and I believe that the team has the potential to deliver a 5 star marketing effort. They've just started off in the wrong direction and hopefully will adjust. Show Less

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