One striking aspect of Common Wealth's community is the evident intelligence and understanding displayed by its members. Through Twitter posts and Telegram discussions, it is clear that they grasp the project's intricacies and appreciate the advantages offered by its services and technology. What's more, the community is characterized by a lack of constant spamming and what I would consider toxic behaviour that is prominent in crypto. There are no pointless arguments dragging down the community's value, as everyone maintains a like-minded, positive, and optimistic approach towards the project

As Common Wealth has primarily operated in stealth mode to date, its community size remains relatively small, with 11.6k followers on Twitter and 1.6k members on Telegram. Consequently, the project's Twitter account does not receive substantial engagement despite regularly posting informative and lighthearted tweets. However, as the project gains traction, I would expect this to change, leading to increased community growth and engagement.

One of the project's most intelligent moves towards building a strong future community and giving back to them was the creation of the Genesis NFTs series 1 and 2. These NFTs not only grant community members $WLTH tokens on TGE but also provide a sense of equity in the project. Common Wealth has committed to sharing 15% of its profits for life to these early supporters who hold the Genesis NFTs. This incentive goes beyond merely offering token purchases and instead allows the community to have a stake in the project and directly benefit from its success. This approach sets a noteworthy example for other future projects, as it aligns the interests of the community and the project's long-term goals.

The project's Medium page deserves recognition for hosting interesting and educational articles for the community. Articles such as "Code Is Law, But Economy is Key" stand out as informative pieces that explain different token economies. These resources contribute to the community's knowledge and understanding of Common Wealth.

Common Wealth has also been proactive in conducting AMA sessions, with the next one scheduled for 09/06/23. This demonstrates their commitment to open communication and addressing the community's questions and concerns. Show Less

2024 Cyrator - Crypto Research Community

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