Crust is a blockchain protocol that aims to build a decentralized cloud ecosystem for storage and computing services. It uses a novel consensus mechanism called Meaningful Proof of Work (MPoW) that leverages trusted execution environments (TEEs) like Intel SGX to enable nodes to provide verified storage and computing services to the network. MPoW allows quantification of meaningful computing work, ensures fairness in reward distribution, and enhances efficiency compared to traditional PoW schemes.

The Crust network is comprised of various node types including verifiers, candidates, guarantors and users. Nodes can provide storage services to users and earn income from storage orders and incentives. The network uses mechanisms like remote attestation to verify node environments, data sealing to ensure integrity, and a decentralized storage market to enable file storage and retrieval functions. The roadmap outlines plans to support multiple TEE solutions beyond SGX, integrate decentralized identity features, launch mobile apps and corporate solutions, and plug into the Web3 ecosystem. Overall, Crust aims to build a scalable, secure and usable decentralized cloud providing verified storage and computing services. Show Less

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