Project CRUST Network has a vibrant Telegram community and active social channels, but there is still room for expansion. Show More

Crust Token Metrics & Economics

Token Ticker: CRU Initial Supply: 20,000,000 CRU

Token Distribution:

  1. Token Sale: 5... Show More

Crust Network and #AI

Crust Network and how it relates to AI

#CRU is a decentralized, open-source platform that stores and deploys data related to AI models. Show More

$CRU is currently about $2 and is in a very sweet spot to consider buying.

  • Down about 99% from ATH ($179) about 2 years ago. Show More

$CRU plays a crucial role in the Crust Network ecosystem, serving as a means of exchange, a store of value, and a governance token. Show More

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