I could think of 4 other companies that are providing this kind of solution by putting together vetted service provider under one roof designing the friendly landing page communicating the same message, but what i specifically like about Decubate is it has connected two worlds: Tech and Business and added Investor club flavour making it even (spicy) for target audience to benefit from.

One Stop solution VS hiring multiple service providers to get a job done, there is obvious advantage in trusting an entity that can provide all listed products and services, it saves time, cost, man power and yet, several questions arise:

  1. What are the standards to test or validate the outcome of projects that may need help or interested in Decubate services?

  2. What are the strategies that may or may not be implemented to maximize the success? (Medium page and Blog page are both used for product/company updates, and less or no case studies)

  3. Can potential clients or investors tap into previous cases to rate or measure the success rate or Decubate only positions itself as a tech company not service provider?

I would give the project 5 stars if above shared questions had answers, and i hope they will in the future and very curious to try some projects to make this change my opinion and make it 5 stars and give it a public recognition. Show Less

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