In summary, I feel a concept like this is not unique. High rewards and a own token (FBX in this case) can be used to increase your rewards or as a currency to reduce gas fees.

Finblox offers a high-yield crypto savings platform that supports several cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, USDC, Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, and Axie Infinity. The team has designed each program to be straightforward and engaging. Additionally, you can participate in various financial, entertainment, and lifestyle programs within the ecosystem.

The team appears to be transparent and diverse. However, I did not notice a growth manager, and it remains to be seen how they will handle marketing.

Public sales began on April 25th, with the IDO taking place on May 9th. It is worth noting that the idea behind this project is not unique. According to a review by Blueseriphs, there have been concerns about rewarding and some FUD. Therefore, I give this project two stars. Show Less

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