Token Info:

  • Ticker: FBX
  • Type: Utility-token
  • Token Standard: ERC-20

Token Distribution:

  • Private round: 25%
  • Ecosystem: 43%
  • Community round: 6%
  • Staking incentives: 6%
  • Team and Advisors: 20%

Funds Allocation:

  • Marketing: 20%
  • Regulatory: 15%
  • Technology: 25%
  • Operations: 20%
  • Partnerships: 5%
  • Product: 15%

This information provides a clear overview of the token distribution and funds allocation for FBX. The ERC-20 token standard is widely accepted and compatible with many wallets and exchanges, which is a positive sign.

The allocation of funds towards marketing and technology indicates a focus on growing the project and building a solid product. However, the high allocation of 25% towards technology may indicate a complex or ambitious project that could be difficult to execute.

I find 68% of tokens allocated to private and ecosystem rounds quite heavy, and only 6% allocated to the community round. Show Less

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