I've actually heard of Sophia back in 2018, when she was gaining popularity and made a speech to the UN, but died down in 2020/2021, and I initially thought it was just another fad/PR stunt by Hanson Robotics. Hence I was pleasantly surprised to hear about the next phase of Sophia's development.

Sophia's Age of Singularities (SAOS) looks to be the build up towards Singularity and allowing machines to be sentient and think for themselves. I believe that it is extremely ambitious, and they look to be community driven, as users can asssist in the direction that Sophia looks to be building in with $SOPH for gaming/activities and utility, along with their governance token $GUARD that takes a more focused stance on the amendments and principles for Sophia before achieving Singularity. The only caveat being $GUARD being distributed to selected people prevents the project from being fully decentralised, although with strong reasonings. Show Less

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