When I first heard of Star Atlas I was very excited. Eve Online, their biggest competitor is not a web3 game, but has been ongoing for more than 10 years. So, it stand to reason such MMPORG are very well adapted to benefit from a web3 economy for users to have remaining value after spending countless of hours playing. The real trick is to ensure players cannot earn more than they spend if they are whales, and the game producer needs to make sure the players that do earn more than they spend are doing it in a way that doesn't collapse the economy. All successful MMO have secondary market, for example World of Warcraft had gold farmers circumventing how the game works to be able to sell gold to players outside the game in a way that could lead to scams. Much better for the company to allow such 2nd markets and take a cut while transactions occurs in a trustless manner.

I give it a 4 stars simply because the project is so ambition that there is a risk it will never come out of development like other similar games that never came out. As well, sci-fi genre gets less adoption than medieval genre, so I believe other games with different genre may be more successful when they launch. Show Less

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