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Worldcoin offers a Faustian bargain - give up biometric data from iris scans in exchange for potential crypto rewards. But can we trust their assurances of privacy? Supposedly zero-knowledge proofs prevent misuse of data. However, there hasn't been confirmed yet.

Founded by Sam Altman, Worldcoin want to establish Proof-of-Personhood via iris-scanning orbs and implement somehow a way to distribute Universal Basic Income (UBI) worldwide. Over 150 developers have joined and shared Altman's vision of borderless financial inclusion.

These are the 2 more severe controversies to be concerned about:

  1. Privacy - Worldcoin claims zero-knowledge proofs protect sensitive data. Yet there isn't true confirmation of that. Worldcoin claims it will keep this data secure, but are they sure of it?

  2. Sustainability - Where does Worldcoin's capital come from to fund massive weekly airdrops? Their economics stay opaque.

Currently, we depend on government-approved documentation for identity proof, and probably a lot of people want a decentralized way that isn't limited by governments, politics, or borders. Seems that Worldcoin has put itself as the one who has the solution, but is this sufficiently decentralized?

I feel just a handful of powerful people have claimed authority over an immense amount of sensitive data. True decentralization requires open-source systems without centralized points of control. But so far, the structure seems to lack the openness expected of a decentralized ecosystem.

A tweet from @ZachBT shows us once more how controversial is this project. Check it out:

I signed up because I was curious and I thought was cool, right? Then it comes the part where I have to go in person to Seoul, to a physical location to scan my iris, and I started thinking and wondering. What is it for me? What do I get in exchange for this?

Then, Immediate benefits:

  • airdrop estimated at $200 over time, that if you are an early sign-up. ( I understand that in some places this is a huge financial impact, but where I live that's not the case).

Potential future benefits AS/IF the project moves forward.

  • the opportunity to earn additional WLD tokens through mining, if mining (?)
  • access to financial services built on Worldcoin's platform
  • support and contribute to the development of a new decentralized global digital currency ecosystem (indirect benefit)
  • if the project succeeds, a share from UBI through cryptocurrency (no realistic)

They're making big claims about rewards without showing us enough evidence that it can really happen. As a new, dreamy, and unproven concept, the potential rewards come loaded with uncertainty.

Worldcoin's vision is trailblazing but still speculative, and the project's success is far from certain. Show Less


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