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The Illuvium community on Twitter and Discord is very active. Events like Bug Bounties, Airdrops Liquidity Program, etc or product updates have driven great interactions from users. Show More

As far as the crypto gaming market goes, only AAA games have a real chance of succeeding in the long run. Show More


I've been following Illusion since its inception and was one of the first people to express an interest. Show More


Key Team Members

  • Kieran Warwick — Co-founder and Admin; this Australian entrepreneurial crypto enthusiast set up the first over-the-counter crypto exchange in the world at Blueshyft before working with his brother on Synthetix. Show More

Illuvium's tokenomics, which have a fixed cap of 10 million ILV, are quite convincing. Let's take a closer look at it: Show More


The game is of high quality (AAA), vastly better than most play-to-earn web3 games. However, the team opted for a auto-battler gameplay design, meaning you select the characters for a given fight, and position them on the board, then when the fight start you are only passive and watch the fight occur. Show More


The economic model is very interesting. 100% of profits generated from all revenue sources including even if they eventually sell teddy bears will go toward buying back the token from the market. Show More


Did a lot research when I was writing a game review for Illuvium. Have to say, this game is truly a visual masterpiece! Show More

I would be neutral at this point given big unlocks until June 2023 based on https://token.unlocks.app/illuvium. Show More


When it comes to buying or selling any token, I always advise people to stick to their market strategy and vision. Show More

Lots of play-to-earn games are being built by teams with no real game development experience. Show More

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