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"Spend one hour in the Discord group and it’ll be the funniest and friendliest community you’ve come across. Show More


Dopex uses two tokens model: DPX and rDPX.

DPX is the governance token for the Dopex protocol and is used for voting on protocol and app-level proposals. Show More


DOPEX and its cutting edge tech caught my attention especially based on @vovj_p7 very well written review, especially its comparison to Robinhood sort of aspirations, but in DeFi. Show More


Dopex has a large, active, and intelligent community with a strong presence on Discord (36,000 members) and Twitter (57,000 followers). Show More


Dopex - Two Tokens… Solid Model With a Few Flaws

DPX with MC of 93M is down about 90% from ATH of $4215 🤯 but only up about 3x from ATL of $88. Show More


The Dopex protocol, a decentralized options exchange founded by @tztokchad, has the goal of delivering a fair and accurate pricing system with minimal losses for liquidity providers. Show More


Although marketing may not seem fully comprehensive, it is specifically aimed towards DeFi users who are actively interested in exploring innovative derivatives such as options and straddles. Show More


Dopex has a team of experienced developers who have been creating innovative products even during bear markets. Show More

There are 2 huge red flags with this project:

  1. They have a governance token. Governance tokens generally only attract people who care about the fiat value of the cryptocurrency and not the longevity of the project. Show More

The Dopex community is a prime example of a vibrant, engaged, and knowledgeable group. Their hunger for information is evident, and Dopex has been doing an exceptional job of providing it. Show More


Dopex is a decentralized options exchange built on top of the Arbitrum platform. The aim is to bring fully liquid options to the DeFi space, which can also be used in other decentralized applications. Show More


I am optimistic about the DPX project even in a bear market. The community on Discord is incredibly strong and the team comprises of talented individuals. Show More


This chart isn't exciting...at all.

If anything, this chart points to downward price pressure. Show More

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